Best Close-Range Combat Gun Combos in Farlight 84

Picture yourself in the exciting world of Farlight 84, a place full of action and adventure. When you're in a battle up close, you need to be quick and use the right weapon. This guide will show you how to fight in close combat in this popular video game Farlight 84. It will tell you about different gun combinations that work best in these intense battles.

Best Close-Range Combat Gun in Farlight 84
Best Close-Range Combat Gun

You can choose between a powerful shotgun, two accurate pistols, or a flamethrower that shoots fire. This guide will teach you how to use these guns and why they're good. So, get ready, gear up, and let's explore the best ways to win in close combat in Farlight 84!

Why Close-Range Gun Combos are Important

In the tough and challenging world of Farlight 84, close-up battles are where things get really intense. This part of the game puts players in nerve-wracking situations, often facing enemies very close. Here, being sneaky, quick, and making fast decisions is super important, just like choosing the right weapons.

Close combat in Farlight 84 is all about fast and intense fights, where every tiny choice can decide if you win or lose. It's a place where shotguns make big booming sounds, submachine guns shoot lots of bullets, and melee weapons become like extra tools for staying alive. In this world, knowing how to handle close fights is really important, because it can mean the difference between being a winner or getting caught in the chaos of this post-apocalyptic world.

Shotgun and SMG Combos

Combining a shotgun and an SMG (Submachine Gun) in Farlight 84 creates a powerful duo for fans of close-range battles. The shotgun is like the boss of close-up fights because it can really pack a punch with its spread of pellets, which makes it super deadly when you're really close to your enemy. It's excellent at taking out opponents quickly in tight spaces or around corners, catching them by surprise.

On the other hand, the SMG is all about fast shooting and being flexible. It's a good choice when you need to switch from close combat to fights that are a little farther away. When you use both of these guns together, you can handle really close fights and also deal with situations that need a bit more range. The shotgun takes care of the immediate danger, and the SMG can keep enemies at bay, helping you smoothly go from close to not-so-close battles.

This combo works especially well in cities and buildings where you often have close fights, and being sneaky can really make a big difference. To make the most of this combo, players should focus on where they position themselves and pay attention to the map, so they can control how far away they fight. It's a reliable choice for winning close-range battles.

1. UMP 99 (SMG)


In the context of Farlight 84, the UMP 99 appears to be an excellent SMG (Submachine Gun) choice. Here's a breakdown of its specifications, both before and after upgrading with attachments:

Before Upgrading:
Damage Rate of Fire Stability Accuracy Range Mobility
10 85 89 90 56 7

After Upgrading: with Full Attachments
Damage Rate of Fire Stability Accuracy Range Mobility
16 85 (unchanged) 129 110 64 93

After upgrading, the UMP 99 becomes a more formidable weapon with improved damage, stability, accuracy, range, and mobility. This makes it even more effective for close and mid-range combat scenarios. The increased stability and accuracy are particularly beneficial for maintaining control during fast-paced engagements, while the extended range allows for more versatility in various combat situations. Additionally, the higher mobility score indicates that your character will be more agile and responsive while using this weapon. It's essential to consider your playstyle and preferences when choosing attachments to maximize your performance with the UMP 99.

2. White Dwarf (SMG)

White Dwarf

The White Dwarf SMG in Farlight 84 is a solid choice with the following specifications:

Before Upgrading:
Damage Rate of Fire Stability Accuracy Range Mobility
8 93 80 87 56 90
After Upgrading with Full Attachments: 
Damage Rate of Fire Stability Accuracy Range Mobility
14 93 Unchanged 100 107 64 108

The White Dwarf becomes a more potent weapon after upgrading, with increased damage, stability, accuracy, range, and mobility. The rate of fire remains the same, which is quite high, making it effective for close and mid-range combat.

With its upgraded specifications, the White Dwarf excels in situations where you need rapid and accurate fire. The improved stability and accuracy allow for better control during sustained engagements, while the increased range and mobility make it a versatile choice for different combat scenarios. The choice between the UMP 99 and White Dwarf depends on your preferred playstyle and the specific needs of the match.

3. Hound (Shotgun)

Hound (shotgun)

The Hound shotgun in Farlight 84 has the following specifications:

Before Upgrading:
Damage Rate of Fire Stability Accuracy Range Mobility
84 33 50 60 26 2
After Upgrading: with full Attachments

Damage Rate of Fire Stability Accuracy Range Mobility
84 (unchanged) 33 (unchanged) 70 60 (unchanged) 26 (unchanged) 25 (unchanged)

It appears that the Hound shotgun does not show any improvements after upgrading with full attachments, except for a slight increase in stability. This means that the damage, rate of fire, accuracy, range, and mobility remain the same.

While the Hound maintains high damage, it has a relatively low rate of fire and limited range, making it most effective at extremely close quarters. The choice to use the Hound depends on your preferred playstyle and whether you value high damage output in close combat situations. It's important to consider your tactics and engagement range when selecting a shotgun in Farlight 84.

Additional Tip: 

Farlight 84 with close-range combat styles

Certainly, for gameplay in Farlight 84 with close-range combat styles, it's crucial to consider additional strategies that can enhance your performance. Here's an extra strategy to help you excel in close-quarter battles:

1. Cover and Movement: Utilize cover effectively. Move strategically from cover to cover to reduce exposure and minimize the risk of being caught off guard. When engaging in close-range fights, use obstacles, buildings, and terrain to your advantage. Peek out from behind cover to take shots and then quickly retreat to safety.

2. Sound Awareness: Pay attention to audio cues. Farlight 84 often includes audio indicators for nearby enemies. The sound of footsteps, reloading, and other actions can provide vital information about enemy positions. Use a good pair of headphones or a surround sound system to maximize your audio awareness.

3. Grenades and Utility: Incorporate grenades and utility items into your loadout. Frag grenades, flashbangs, or smoke grenades can be extremely useful in close-quarters situations. A well-placed grenade can flush out or weaken opponents hiding in tight spaces.

4. Team Coordination: If you're playing in a team, communicate effectively with your teammates. Coordinate your movements and tactics to take advantage of each other's strengths and cover each other's weaknesses. In close-range combat, flanking maneuvers and synchronized pushes can be highly effective.

5. Adaptability: Be flexible in your approach. Depending on the specific situation, you might need to switch between different weapons or adjust your playstyle. For example, if you're using a shotgun and encounter an opponent at a slightly longer range, you might need to back up and switch to your SMG or another weapon with a better range.

6. Close Combat Training: Practice close combat scenarios in the game's training mode or custom matches. This will help you get a feel for the best angles, movements, and tactics in various close-range situations.

7. Weapon Mastery: Learn the recoil patterns and handling characteristics of your chosen weapons. This knowledge will help you control your shots more effectively and improve your accuracy in the heat of battle.

Remember that mastering close-range combat in Farlight 84 takes time and practice. Experiment with different load-outs and strategies to find what works best for your playstyle, and always be ready to adapt to the ever-changing dynamics of the game.


In conclusion, the weapon choices in Farlight 84 offer a range of options to cater to different playstyles and situations. The UMP 99, with its significant damage boost after upgrades and improved stability and accuracy, makes it an excellent SMG for close to mid-range combat, providing reliability and versatility. The White Dwarf, on the other hand, maintains its high rate of fire even after upgrading, making it a strong contender for players who prefer rapid and precise firefights. 

When it comes to shotguns, the Hound stands out with its exceptional damage output, which remains unchanged after upgrades. However, its limited range and rate of fire may restrict its effectiveness in extremely close combat scenarios. 

Ultimately, the choice between these weapons should be guided by your personal preferences and the specific demands of your battles. Whether you opt for the UMP 99, White Dwarf, or the Hound, understanding your weapon's strengths and limitations and using them effectively in the context of the game will be key to your success in Farlight 84.

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