Free Fire Ob42 Advance Serve: 8 Big Upcoming Updates

In the exciting world of Free Fire, everyone is super hyped about the upcoming OB42 Advance Server update. It's going to bring some really cool changes. In this blog post, we're going to explore the most exciting stuff that OB42 will add to the game. There's a new Ranked Mode, a spooky Zombie Invasion with special Duo Active Skills, and a chilly Snow Map. Plus, there are some changes to FF Coins, character upgrades, new characters, and even a mysterious Vending Machine. Get ready for an awesome journey through these updates that will keep you on the edge of your gaming seat. Let's uncover all the cool new things happening in OB42!

Free Fire OB42 Advance Server: 8 big updates
Free Fire OB42 Advance Server

Top 8 Biggest Changes in Free Fire After Ob42 Update

Everyone is very excited because Free Fire is about to make some big changes. There will be eight exciting things happening that will make Free Fire even more fun. We're going on an adventure to learn about these important updates that will be a big deal in the gaming world.

Let's start with Changes in CS Ranked Mode

1. Changes in CS Ranked Mode

New Dual Cs Ranked Mode
Changes in ranked mode

Free Fire's CS Ranked Mode has always offered two gameplay options: Normal CS Ranked and Dual Skill CS Ranked, also known as the Special CS Ranked Mode. However, Free Fire has been known to periodically remove the Dual Skill Mode, causing some frustration among players.

In the upcoming OB42 update, players can expect a long-awaited fix. It's good news! Free Fire is seemingly inclined to make Dual Skill Mode a permanent fixture. This means that the beloved mode will be consistently available, allowing players to fully enjoy it without the fear of it being taken away. The addition of this permanent Dual Skill Mode is a welcome change that will undoubtedly add more variety and excitement to CS Ranked Mode, enhancing the overall gaming experience.

2.  Zombie invasion

Zombie Invasion
Free Fire Zombie Invasion

In the world of Free Fire, the Zombie Invasion is a gripping game mode. And now, with the OB42 update, there's an exciting twist. Players will have the opportunity to harness the incredible power of Duo Active Character Skins in this mode.

Imagine teaming up with a partner, each equipped with unique abilities that can help you fend off hordes of zombies. This new addition promises to elevate the Zombie Invasion experience, adding a fresh layer of strategy and cooperation. It's all about survival, and these Duo Active Character Skins will make sure you're well-equipped to tackle the undead menace like never before. Get ready to unleash your duo power and conquer the Zombie Invasion!

3. New Mode Coin Clash

New Mode Coin Clash
New Mode Coin Clash

In the intense battleground of Free Fire's BR Ranked Mode, FF Coins play a pivotal role. These coins are essential for purchasing weapons, and inventory items, and even for giving evaluations to your teammates. But here's where the OB42 update takes things to a whole new level.

Picture this: as you navigate through the match, you'll stumble upon the all-new FF Coin machines strategically placed in random spots across the map. The moment you interact with these machines for the first time, you'll receive a generous gift of 200 coins, and it doesn't stop there. Not only do you benefit from this coin windfall, but your teammates are in for the same treat. The process is automated, ensuring that your entire squad enjoys an instant boost of 200 coins in their inventory.

But that's not all; this update introduces a fantastic twist to reviving fallen teammates. If your friend revives you after the revival process is complete, and they happen to have, let's say, 500 coins in their stash, you'll receive a direct transfer of those 500 coins. This unique feature allows you and your teammates to collectively pool resources for the greater good, possibly reviving another downed team member.

The community's reception to this update has been a mixed bag. While many players, like myself, appreciate the added dynamics and teamwork this feature brings to the game, some may argue that it could pose challenges in the late game, especially in the final zones where every move can make or break a victory. Regardless of your stance, there's no denying that the changes in FF Coins are shaking up the way we approach BR Ranked Mode in Free Fire, making it more thrilling and cooperative than ever before.

4. Changes in Character Skills & Ability

Changes in old characters Kelly, Nikita, Joseph
Kelly, Nikita, Joseph

In the fast-paced world of Free Fire, the elite characters, Kelly, Joseph, and Nikita, have undergone a significant transformation in the OB42 update. The developers have taken the opportunity to fine-tune and improve their skills and abilities, ensuring that these characters shine even brighter on the battlefield.

Let's dive into the details:

Kelly: The speed demon of Free Fire has had her speed-boosting abilities cranked up a notch. Her sprinting speed is now even more impressive, allowing players to maneuver swiftly and outmaneuver their foes with ease. Kelly has become the ultimate choice for those who love to race through the map, leaving their competitors in the dust.

Joseph: Joseph's skills have been fine-tuned for even better performance. He now enjoys increased damage reduction while moving, enhancing his survivability during firefights. Players who favor a dynamic playstyle will find Joseph's improved abilities invaluable in staying in the game longer.

Nikita: The demolitions expert of Free Fire now has a more potent explosive punch. Her skill, Firearms Expert, allows her to reload SMGs faster, giving her an edge in close-quarters combat situations. Nikita's explosive power has been enhanced, making her a force to be reckoned with in battles.

These character improvements reflect the developers' commitment to maintaining balance and excitement in Free Fire. As you step into the updated arena, be prepared to witness these elite characters at the peak of their potential, ready to lead you to victory with their enhanced skills and abilities.

5. New Character:  Ignis (Active Skill)

New Character:  Ignis
Ignis Character

Allow us to introduce you to Ignis, the latest addition to the Free Fire roster. With an active skill that sets the battlefield ablaze, Ignis is ready to ignite the competition and leave a scorching impression.

Ignis's active skill creates a fiery wall, a whopping 10 meters wide, and it lingers for a fiery 8 seconds. Positioned strategically, the wall extends 15 meters in front of the user. But here's the real heat—enemies who dare to cross this scorching barrier will pay a price. As they traverse the flames, they'll experience a searing dose of damage. It's like walking through fire, and it's not a pleasant journey.

If that's not hot enough, here's the kicker. If an enemy gets stuck inside this blazing wall of flames, not only do they take damage, but their vest and helmet suffer as well. Ignis's skills are a fiery force to be reckoned with, melting the armor and defenses of any foe caught in the fiery inferno.

How to use Ignis Character in free fire

Now, here's a tip for you - Ignis is a character that truly shines in the CS Ranked Mode. If you find yourself seeking that extra edge, master the art of strategically placing the firewall. It's not just a barrier; it's a weapon in itself, a game-changer that can help you secure victory in the heat of the battle. So, ignite your strategy and wield the flames of Ignis to emerge victorious in Free Fire!

6. Game Balance Redux: Fix Over Power Character Skills

Fix Over Power Character Skills
Sonia, Dimitri, A124, Orion

In recent Free Fire updates, certain characters like Sonia, Dimitri, Orion, Theva, and A124 seemed to have transformed into near-invincible forces on the battlefield. It was a time of imbalance, but fret not, because OB42 has arrived to restore fairness by tweaking these characters' skills.

Let's break it down, starting with Sonia. In the past, Sonia granted players an extraordinary 150 HP boost. However, Garena recognized the need for equilibrium and has now adjusted her health bonus to a still robust 100 HP. This change levels the playing field and ensures that battles are no longer dominated by overwhelming health advantages.

Next, we have Orion, who could siphon a hefty 15 HP from enemies. But in this balance update, Orion's health-draining prowess has been moderated to a still significant 10 HP. It might not be a seismic shift, but it's a step towards ensuring that combat remains engaging and competitive.

A124, known as the Skill Blocker, has also witnessed some modifications. Her skill's cooldown time has been reduced from 30 seconds to 20 seconds, but there's a trade-off - the overall cooldown time has increased from 50 seconds to 75 seconds. This adjustment adds depth to the gameplay by encouraging players to strategize their skill usage more wisely.

Dimitri and Theva, too, have found themselves in the mix of changes. Both characters have seen an increase in their skill cooldown time, stretching it from 60 seconds to a more substantial 90 seconds. These changes are poised to create a more balanced and tactical gameplay experience. It's all about returning Free Fire to a place where every character has a chance to shine, and no one becomes an unstoppable juggernaut.

7.  Snow Map Potential Arrival Soon

new free fire snow map
New Snow Map in FreeFire

As October ushers in the chilly season, Free Fire fans can't help but wonder if the long-awaited Snow Map will finally make its debut in the OB42 update. With winter just around the corner, it's the perfect time to embrace the frosty landscapes and engage in epic battles amidst the snow.

In the past, the Snow Map was a unique feature exclusively available in the Bermuda map, leaving Kalahari, Nextera, and the other maps untouched by its wintry charm. However, in this upcoming update, the creators seem keen on extending the reach of this captivating wintery setting.

Picture this: in the current maps, there are certain areas near riversides that were initially safe-havens. But in a bid to maintain the theme of the Snow Map, these areas are in for a transformation - they're going to freeze over. What does this mean for players? Well, it signifies that no longer can you simply take refuge in the water. The surface itself becomes a battleground, opening up exciting new possibilities for strategic fights.

This potential addition promises to be a game-changer, not only expanding the snowy landscape to all maps but also providing a fresh layer of tactics, where every move matters in the quest for victory. As the snowflakes begin to fall, prepare for an exhilarating winter wonderland in Free Fire, where the battle for survival takes on a whole new dimension.

8. Vending Machine Delights: A Refreshing Update

New Vending machine update in free fire
Changes in Vending Machine

Hold onto your seats because the Free Fire world is about to introduce something new and exciting. The vending machine, a familiar sight in the game, has just received a fantastic upgrade in the OB42 update. Now, players will find a total of four items inside the vending machine.

But here's the real deal - among these items, you can purchase some special skills like the Clu Skill, Chrono Shield, and Teleport Portal. However, there's a catch; you can use these skills only once per purchase. If you want to wield their power again, you'll need to buy them once more. This new feature adds a layer of strategy to the game, as players must carefully choose when and where to use these skills for maximum impact.

And that's not all! Here's a final tip to spice up your Free Fire experience: Jumping Shoes. You may remember them from the Rush Hour mode, and they're making a return in the BR Ranked mode. These shoes allow you to leap into action, adding an exciting twist to your battles. So get ready to spring into action and seize those opportunities as the Free Fire world continues to evolve with these amazing updates!

Final Verdict:  About Upcoming Free Fire OB42 Update

The Free Fire OB42 update brings a wave of exciting changes. Character skill rebalancing, potential Snow Map, and improved characters like Kelly, Joseph, and Nikita all promise a more engaging experience.

The introduction of the Vending Machine and Jumping Shoes adds an extra layer of strategy, while the character Ignis ignites the battlefield with fiery skills. These changes reflect Free Fire's commitment to delivering balanced and fun gameplay.

As the OB42 update takes center stage, embrace the transformations, adapt your strategies, and get ready for legendary adventures in the ever-evolving world of Free Fire. It's a thrilling new era, and you're at the heart of the action!
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